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Did You Know?

Did you know that...

  1. After school hours are the peak time for students to engage in criminal activity and to experiment with drugs, alcohol and sex? (Source: Bureau, Urban Institute Estimate, 2000) Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 2002.

  2. Teens who do NOT participate in after school programs are nearly three times more likely to skip classes or use marijuana or other drugs;they are also more likely to drink alcohol,smoke cigarettes and engage in sexual activity. (Source: YMCA of the USA, March 2001)

  3. A bi-partisan anti-crime organization has found that violent crime is most likely to occur between 3PM and 6PM.( Source: Factoids-After School All Stars)

  4. A disconnected community is in jeopardy of becoming an unsafe community.

  5. After school programs have the power to reduce crime, increase safety, bring neighbors together, and foster community pride and ownership. (Source:Factoids-After School All Stars)

Just in case you needed to be reminded of why you support Homework House kids and families!

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